This website! Talking about bullies.

24/06/2009 08:18

According to research, people that bully do it because they have 'problems' they are too scared to own up to. Bullies are generally people that secretly hate themselves and take that anger out on others in the hope they feel better about themselves. Many are superficial people too! Just look at the movie 'Mean Girls'. Also look at the mean people in some of the latest kids flicks likes Camp Rock, High School Musical, 17, and many more! The world is either turning into something really bad or the bulling reign is coming to a close - I don't know! But what I do know is - I want to be involved in doing something about this horrible subject of bullying because it makes me feel unhappy for myself and for others. I am the kind of person that cares about other people and I cannot help that. Neither do I want to stop caring about other people. I will not apologise for refusing to just tolerate bullying and try to get along with the bullies. I have tried every method I know to get along with nasty people but it is a mistake for me to keep trying that. When you compromise your principles for evil you start to become someone you are not. I am not evil and I AM NOT A BULLY. Neither am I a hero but I am just a regular kid that wants the fair chance to be myself. 

If you bully then you need help. I did not set up this site with the idea of exposing you. If I did then I would be saying your name. I set it up in the hope you would be smart enough to see that you are being nasty and that BULLYING is wrong. I also wanted to air my emotions about being bullied. I wanted to let others being bullied understand that I am a victim of bullying and not ashamed to admit it. I read the newspapers and watch the news. Kids like me kill themselves because of bullies. A waste of a life but I understand their pain. I hope that by encouraging people being bullied to talk about their experiences and make good with it will reduce the number of kids turning to suicide. I hate to think of people wasting their lives through suicide. I am not the only kid that reads and wants a better life for myself you know. Some of those kids that ended up killing themselves wanted a better life for themselves too. It was bullies that would not let them and the disturbance they felt inside them that drove them to hurt themselves. No bully is going to drive me to hurt myself. I draw strength from those that have taken that way out and I am happy to be in a position where I can learn from their experience. I will not give in - I will stand up and stand against bulling wherever it occurs - because I am a child of God. I believe in my Christian faith and in the values my family has taught me. I am in this world to make a difference not to curl up in a corner and cry. So if you have a problem with me then don't bully or try to bully me. Speak to me directly - I am a fair person.

Please do not write lies on this website and expect me to answer to them and don't disguise who you are (those seeking to challenge me) either because it is a cowards way out. If you want questions answered then write it on my Discussion Page and not on the Guestbook - because you know I am not going to respond to you. Also please do not mention names either - you can make your point without mentioning names. Finally, again - I remind you that your ip details are logged and action can be taken against you should this become necessary. 

Finally, a big shout out to all of my supporters - you make me proud. I have placed just a few of my podcasts in the Fun Stuff section on this website. Laters, 

gossip boy





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