Welcome to the gossip boy website

I created this web site after it became clear that adults are not in a position to solve the problem of bullying in our schools. Life is hard enough without societies future scumbags trying to make their mark by disrupting classes, bullying or just gossiping for the fun of it.  I go to school to learn, but they just want to have fun.

In case you are wondering - YES! I AM A VICTIM OF BULLYING and I encourage you to read more about this in MY STORY in the Blog.  Anyway, seeing as the adults can't protect us against the never ending supply of classroom morons; I took the liberty of setting up a site where we can talk about them - the bullies. Ouch...............xoxo

gossip boy



Discussion Page and Guestbook Invaded by Bullies

28/06/2009 19:35
To the abusive people that have come onto my website to cause trouble and insult my guests, please stop. You are not welcome. This site was set up by me to help others as well as to help me cope with the bullying I have had to endure by nasty kids that have no respect for the learning environment,...


New Discussion Page

20/06/2009 13:48
I noticed a number of people have started to ask me questions in the Guestbook.  I have set up a new page for discussion. Please note that I will only respond to questions that you post on the Discussion Page. Thanks guys, gossip boy  



11/03/2009 18:00
The Guestbook has been invaded by spiteful people whose only interest is to spread hate and disharmony. Please be warned that your comments will stay on the forum and your ip addresses and contact details may be used in legal action taken against you.


Wanna Contribute?

08/03/2009 20:00
If you would like to share something or discuss something in particular - please leave a message for me on the Feedback page or email me directly and I will put it in an article for you.    



07/03/2009 15:28
It is a shame that young people have to to air their frustrations in the public domain but where else is there for us to go. Are we going to keep telling our parents that we are getting stressed at school or worse... bullied. When you open your mouth to TELL, the bullies get brave and...


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